Give provisioning to the regulated sector in the comprehension and in accordance with the health legislation and guarantee it success as a way to improve the population health.

Acting for the success of the businesses, for the evaluation of their performances on the market and for the interests of our clients, through strategic planning and regulatory understanding in agreement with the governmental organisms in Brasília.

We act with ethics and confidentiality, which involves the practice of anti-bribery and anti-corruption policy, in compliance with the regulatory requirements of the Brazilian authorities.

– Objectivity
– Transparency
– Cooperation
– Faithfulness
– Transparency
– Cooperation
– Faithfulness

The Company
The name Haramefá comes from the word Aramefá, which is from African origin and means the council of hunters; it comes from the prefix [ara] – meeting, council, assembly, group, and [mefá] – hunters, it was composed of 6 persons. Haramefá was founded in 2007 according to the ancient hunter tradition, who met in order […]
Quality Polices

Regulatory Intelligence
International Business
Your Product in Brazil
Sanitary Regulation
Customer ´s Matters of Interest
International Business
Your Product in Brazil
Sanitary Regulation
Customer ´s Matters of Interest

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